Lactation Counseling

Breastfeeding Basics

A 2.5 hour private class during your pregnancy to answer any questions and ensure you are getting off to the right start with feeding your baby. If you are giving birth at the hospital there are a few hospital routines to be aware of that may interfere with immediate success. I want to make sure that you know what to look for when it comes to your baby's cues and how to remain comfortable and confident while feeding your baby. I will answer any questions or concerns you have, and we will practice different feeding positions, discuss feeding frequency, newborn weight gain, pumping basics and more.


Postpartum Visit(s)

During this visit I will take a brief health and birth history, observe a full feeding session where I will address any concerns with positioning, latch, nipple and breast pain, and any other questions you may have. If you suspect your baby has a tongue or lip tie, I will walk you through on steps to move forward and where to go from there. I will also provide appropriate referrals if there is anything out of my scope of practice. I will write out a complete personalized care plan going forward to share with your care provider (if requested) and follow up in 1 week from our visit. I am also available for email or phone support in the weeks following our time together.
